- DEseq2要求输入数据是由整数组成的矩阵。
- DESeq2要求矩阵是没有标准化的。
表达矩阵:\即上述代码中的countData,就是我们前面通过read count计算后并融合生成的矩阵,行为各个基因,列为各个样品,中间为计算reads或者fragment得到的整数。
差异比较矩阵:\ 即上述代码中的design。 差异比较矩阵就是告诉差异分析函数是要从要分析哪些变量间的差异,简单说就是说明哪些是对照哪些是处理。
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| > countData <- read.csv('readcount.csv',header = TRUE,row.names = 1) > head(countData) control1 control2 treat1 treat2 ENSG00000000003 796 349 780 937 ENSG00000000005 0 0 0 1 ENSG00000000419 389 174 403 503 ENSG00000000457 288 108 218 283 ENSG00000000460 506 208 451 543 ENSG00000000938 0 0 0 0 > condition <- factor(c(rep('control',2),rep('treat',2)),levels=c('control','treat'))
> condition [1] control control treat treat Levels: control treat > colData <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(countData),condition)
> colData condition control1 control control2 control treat1 treat treat2 treat > dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData, colData, design= ~ condition) > head(dds) class: DESeqDataSet dim: 6 4 metadata(1): version assays(1): counts rownames(6): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... ENSG00000000460 ENSG00000000938 rowData names(0): colnames(4): control1 control2 treat1 treat2 colData names(1): condition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
| > dds_nrom <- DESeq(dds) estimating size factors estimating dispersions gene-wise dispersion estimates mean-dispersion relationship final dispersion estimates fitting model and testing > dds_nrom class: DESeqDataSet dim: 57820 4 metadata(1): version assays(4): counts mu H cooks rownames(57820): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... ENSGR0000266731 ENSGR0000270726 rowData names(22): baseMean baseVar ... deviance maxCooks colnames(4): control1 control2 treat1 treat2 colData names(2): condition sizeFactor > resultsNames(dds_nrom) [1] "Intercept" "condition_treat_vs_control"
> res <- results(dds_nrom,contrast = c('condition','control','treat')) > head(res) log2 fold change (MLE): condition control vs treat Wald test p-value: condition control vs treat DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> ENSG00000000003 664.272867 0.0532281 0.189912 0.280278 0.779264 ENSG00000000005 0.173561 -0.6527476 4.990679 -0.130793 0.895939 ENSG00000000419 338.705598 -0.0418097 0.218144 -0.191661 0.848008 ENSG00000000457 208.240952 0.2670211 0.252043 1.059425 0.289406 ENSG00000000460 396.971168 0.1448093 0.209989 0.689605 0.490442 ENSG00000000938 0.000000 NA NA NA NA padj <numeric> ENSG00000000003 0.914425 ENSG00000000005 NA ENSG00000000419 0.947707 ENSG00000000457 0.620808 ENSG00000000460 0.764178 ENSG00000000938 NA
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| > table(res$padj<0.05) FALSE TRUE 13660 85
> diff_gene_deseq2 <- subset(res,padj<0.05 & (log2FoldChange<-1 | log2FoldChange>1)) > diff_gene_deseq2 <- diff_gene_deseq2[order(diff_gene_deseq2$padj),] > head(diff_gene_deseq2) DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> ENSG00000178691 531.592 2.899835 0.236065 12.28407 1.10308e-34 ENSG00000135535 1195.269 1.236055 0.197024 6.27364 3.52700e-10 ENSG00000196504 1798.248 1.124007 0.202337 5.55513 2.77404e-08 ENSG00000141425 1290.172 0.970386 0.179053 5.41955 5.97506e-08 ENSG00000164172 256.882 1.281828 0.242745 5.28056 1.28788e-07 ENSG00000173905 551.603 1.180928 0.225624 5.23404 1.65840e-07 padj <numeric> ENSG00000178691 9.16436e-31 ENSG00000135535 1.46512e-06 ENSG00000196504 7.68224e-05 ENSG00000141425 1.24102e-04 ENSG00000164172 2.13994e-04 ENSG00000173905 2.29634e-04 > summary(res) out of 29434 with nonzero total read count adjusted p-value < 0.1 LFC > 0 (up) : 42, 0.14% LFC < 0 (down) : 8, 0.027% outliers [1] : 0, 0% low counts [2] : 21126, 72% (mean count < 137) [1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results [2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
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| mart <- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl")) > my_ensembl_gene_id <- rownames(diff_gene_deseq2) > head(my_ensembl_gene_id) [1] "ENSG00000178691" "ENSG00000135535" "ENSG00000196504" [4] "ENSG00000141425" "ENSG00000164172" "ENSG00000173905" > hg_symbols<- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id','hgnc_symbol',"chromosome_name", "start_position","end_position", "band"), filters= 'ensembl_gene_id', values = my_ensembl_gene_id, mart = mart)
> head(hg_symbols) ensembl_gene_id hgnc_symbol chromosome_name start_position end_position 1 ENSG00000039319 ZFYVE16 5 80408013 80483379 2 ENSG00000054598 FOXC1 6 1609915 1613897 3 ENSG00000064666 CNN2 19 1026586 1039068 4 ENSG00000071794 HLTF 3 149030127 149086554 5 ENSG00000075624 ACTB 7 5526409 5563902 6 ENSG00000077549 CAPZB 1 19338775 19485539 band 1 q14.1 2 p25.3 3 p13.3 4 q24 5 p22.1 6 p36.13
> diff_gene_deseq2$ensembl_gene_id <- rownames(diff_gene_deseq2) > head(diff_gene_deseq2) log2 fold change (MLE): condition control vs treat Wald test p-value: condition control vs treat DataFrame with 6 rows and 7 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> ENSG00000178691 531.592 2.899835 0.236065 12.28407 1.10308e-34 ENSG00000135535 1195.269 1.236055 0.197024 6.27364 3.52700e-10 ENSG00000196504 1798.248 1.124007 0.202337 5.55513 2.77404e-08 ENSG00000141425 1290.172 0.970386 0.179053 5.41955 5.97506e-08 ENSG00000164172 256.882 1.281828 0.242745 5.28056 1.28788e-07 ENSG00000173905 551.603 1.180928 0.225624 5.23404 1.65840e-07 padj ensembl_gene_id <numeric> <character> ENSG00000178691 9.16436e-31 ENSG00000178691 ENSG00000135535 1.46512e-06 ENSG00000135535 ENSG00000196504 7.68224e-05 ENSG00000196504 ENSG00000141425 1.24102e-04 ENSG00000141425 ENSG00000164172 2.13994e-04 ENSG00000164172 ENSG00000173905 2.29634e-04 ENSG00000173905 > diff_name <- merge(diff_gene_deseq2,hg_symbols,by="ensembl_gene_id") Error in as(merge(as(x, "data.frame"), y, ...), class(x)) : no method or default for coercing “data.frame” to “DESeqResults” > diff_name <- merge(as.data.frame(diff_gene_deseq2),hg_symbols,by="ensembl_gene_id") > head(diff_name) ensembl_gene_id baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat 1 ENSG00000039319 522.7108 0.9650973 0.2447603 3.943030 2 ENSG00000054598 1253.0761 0.7833167 0.1776648 4.408959 3 ENSG00000064666 233.3811 -1.0576105 0.2623787 -4.030855 4 ENSG00000071794 1030.8820 0.9222084 0.2203282 4.185612 5 ENSG00000075624 7955.8749 -0.6617466 0.1679916 -3.939165 6 ENSG00000077549 598.6919 0.8949043 0.2002158 4.469698 pvalue padj hgnc_symbol chromosome_name start_position 1 8.045870e-05 0.028304572 ZFYVE16 5 80408013 2 1.038687e-05 0.005393382 FOXC1 6 1609915 3 5.557431e-05 0.020986881 CNN2 19 1026586 4 2.843993e-05 0.012501549 HLTF 3 149030127 5 8.176573e-05 0.028304572 ACTB 7 5526409 6 7.833019e-06 0.004419020 CAPZB 1 19338775 end_position band 1 80483379 q14.1 2 1613897 p25.3 3 1039068 p13.3 4 149086554 q24 5 5563902 p22.1 6 19485539 p36.13
2.RNA-seq练习 第三部分(DEseq2筛选差异表达基因,可视化)